
PowerShell Profiles, KeePass and PowerShell AI (ChatGPT/OpenAI)

I was asked over the weekend on Twitter if I could share how I setup my PowerShell profile to pull my OpenAI API key from a KeePass vault so you can start using the PowerShell AI module straight away!

Apologies if this comes across as a notes dump or a user guide written by your IT department, cos that what is basically is!! :)

Right first things first! Let’s download the modules we need!


So I already had KeePass, if you don’t then Grab and install KeePass from here (It’s open source so it’s buckshee !!)

Install KeePass and create a Vault with master password or Keyfile (or both)

You will also need to get your OpenAI API key from and store it your vault

NOTE: I found it best just to put your secrets that you want to retrieve via PowerShell in the root of the Vault, hit problems with I put them in a subfolder, so best as per below screenshot.


To install the SecretManagement.Keepass module just download from the PowerShell gallery.

Install-Module -Name SecretManagement.KeePass

Import the module (Import-module SecretManagement.KeePass) and then you need to register the vault so the module knows where and how to access it (below is for a master password only vault, there is a -keyfile argument you can use for keyfiles)

Register-KeepassSecretVault -Path <Path to Keepass Vault> -UseMasterPassword


You can use Test-SecretVault to check if it worked (will return Boolean) like below

Test-SecretVault -Name <Name of vault>



Now we need to install and import PowerShellAI module

Install-Module -Name PowerShellAI 
Import-Module -Name PowerShellAI

So now we need to get the API key from the vault and use it for PowerShellAI’s Set-OpenAIKey cmdlet, after that you (Hopefully) should be cooking with gas!!

So for me, I just add this into my profile and when I start a session, I just enter my KeePass Vault password and I am ready to rock and roll!

(don’t need the test-SecretVault, I have left it in there tho..)

import-module PowerShellAI
Import-Module SecretManagement.KeePass

test-SecretVault -Name PowerShell
$CHatGPTAPIKEY = Get-Secret -Vault PowerShell -Name ChatGPTAPIKEY
Get-GPT3Completion 'Get me a random quote'


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